Event Date: 13th August 2022


Prior to the 1990s, the majority of research within the domain of English-medium instruction (EMI) focused on the use of English for teaching and learning in educational systems in post-colonial contexts. There was limited dissemination of research on the use of English as the language of instruction at the tertiary level, and more specifically, not the use of English in Europe. It was not until the end of the 20th century that a focused shift to research on EMI in Europe began to appear.

In this webinar, the presenter compares the chronology of EMI research across the five different research contexts, i.e. Italy, Croatia, the Netherlands, Spain, and Denmark. The discussion centers on the EMI research histories of each context and the trends in research interests and research methodologies at different points within the period of 1991-2019.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Joyce Kling, Ph.D. is a senior lecturer at Lund University, where she teaches second language teacher education courses to preservice and in-service teachers.

Over the course of her career, she has worked as an English language ESL and EFL teacher, program director and administrator, teacher trainer, researcher, materials developer, author, and consultant.

Her research interests include English as medium of instruction (EMI), teacher cognition, and language testing and assessment. Her work appears in TESOL Quarterly, Journal of English-Medium Instruction, as well as several edited volumes and monographs.

The most recent publication is a coauthored monograph entitled The Evolution of EMI Research in European Higher Education (2022, Routledge). She is currently TESOL International Association president 2022–2023.